Hi There! This post is my, “what-I-wish-I-had-known-when-I-was-a-new-parent”, post.
When my kids were small, I had no idea about the many resources that were available to me. As they grew, I learned that a big part of parenting and childcare was having confidence that I was doing the best for them. Understanding developmental milestones and how to support my child’s development provided a strong framework for me to organize routines and. My commitment to operating within that framework yielded results and confirmed that I was on the right track.
Here’s your encouragement: You don’t have to know everything to be an amazing parent, and you don’t have to do it alone!
In fact, you cannot do it alone. So here is another resource for your tool kit: click the link below to get the CDC’s Milestone Moments Booklet. According to the CDC: “Milestones matter! How your baby plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves offers important clues about his or her development.” Use the booklet to track your child’s development and to collect notes to share with your childcare provider and pediatrician.
Have an amazing weekend!
CDC’s Milestone Moments Booklet: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/pdf/booklets/Milestone-Moments-Booklet21_Eng_Sng_FNL-508.pdf